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Symphony of the Hawaiian Birds had its world premiere on May 9, 2018. Since then, there have been 10 Keiki concerts especially for students on morning field trips with 10,000 keiki reached, as well as 2 Ohana concerts open to the general public. Symphony of the Hawaiian Birds is a co-commission created by the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa and HSO.


The Hawaiian Islands were once inhabited by over a hundred endemic birds. Today, few residents of the Hawaiian Islands have even seen a native forest bird. Hawai‘i’s native birds continue to face a number of threats through diseases, loss of habitat, and competition with non-native species. Because our surviving endemic forest bird species represent a considerable value to both the integrity of Hawai‘i’s natural ecosystems as well as cultural and intrinsic value, it is important to educate people on how to protect them.


For a detailed list of steps you can take to help save Hawaiian birds, please visit:

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