E Kani Mau (To Resound Forever) for Concert Band (2022)
World Premiere: October 14,2022
Royal Hawaiian Band
Clarke Bright, bandmaster
Hawai'i Theatre
“E Kani Mau”
Ka Pāna Ali‘i ‘O Hawai‘i
From its royal beginnings in 1836, the Royal Hawaiian Band has entertained audiences in Hawai‘i and around the world for 186 years. Once known as the “King’s Band,” it was created by King Kamehameha III and became a staple of daily life by performing for state occasions, funerals, and marching in parades.
Today, the Royal Hawaiian Band is an agency of the City and County of Honolulu and is the only full-time municipal band in the United States. The band performs and marches in over 350 concerts and parades each year.
Since the onset of the pandemic, the Royal Hawaiian Band adapted to various services to the community. After losing their "musical voice", they transitioned to assisting city initiatives, such as: food distribution, surge testing, call center and vaccination support. They also transitioned to small ensembles and served as musical, healing ambassadors to the Queen's Hospital/Blaisdell Center vaccination initiative.
From March 2022, they have been serving the community in their full band capacity. The past two years have forced the Royal Hawaiian Band to remain vigilant in keeping a heart of service and resiliency on the forefront of their purpose and artistic mission. In some respects, it is very similar to what Queen Lili‘uokalani endured when going through a pandemic of her own as well as endeavoring to maintain the monarchy and her Hawaiian kingdom. A portion of the concert will be dedicated to her and her resilient spirit.
The Royal Hawaiian Band has stayed resilient through their most difficult period and it is very appropriate to celebrate with the community in a formal concert at Hawai‘i Theatre. They will be partnering with some of Hawai‘i's finest artists, to include: Amy Hānaiali‘i Gilliom, Nathan Aweau, Keauhou, Karen Keawehawai‘i, Danny Kaleikini, Kimo Kahonano, Makanani Salā, Andria Tupola, August Tulba, Malia Ka‘ai, Kala‘i Stern, Michael-Thomas Foumai, Kamehameha Schools Children's Chorus, Hālau Ka Lā ‘Ōnohi Mai O Haʻeha‘e, Kanani Oliveira, Ku‘ulei Hazelwood and others.